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UniMed Brisbane Clinic, QLD

Thanks to the grace and call of purpose by a few of our UniMed students in Brisbane, we have a clinic in Brisbane, which we call our Satellite Centre. There you will find all the caring and dedicated loving commitment of those who set-out to bring such grace as many who have sought treatment and support have already experienced.


The clinic operates from a lovingly renovated old style Queensland home, which creates a setting that lends itself to uniquely capture a warm-welcome and deep-nurturing. The range of services as listed below is frequented by Queenslanders from all over the state and by international travellers.


The UniMed Brisbane Clinic is professionally staffed by a team of very dedicated practitioners and administrators who are there to provide you with a caring understanding that includes a range of services to help meet all your healing requirements.

Services available at the clinic –

The beautiful Brisbane Clinic offers Personal, Family & Specialised Care.​


To make a booking call the Clinic on  07 3844 3170


For more information about services and directions to UniMed Brisbane Clinic, QLD please visit their website:

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All content on this site © 2000 - 2023 by Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine / All Rights Reserved.

The material on this website is based upon the principles of The Ageless Wisdom which offers an energetic understanding of life. Any references to science are references to energetic science as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, and not to evidence-based science in mankind’s modern era. Any references to specific aspects of Medicine are to illustrate the relevance of energetic wisdom, as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, in the interplay of bodily illness and disease rather than contradicting the current theories of disease causation or in any way to replace epidemiology. The principles conveyed on this website are philosophical and religious, and thus are not verified within the evidence-based rationales and critical appraisal process of evidence-based science including CONSORT2010 compliant double blind randomised controlled trials. The presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine do not diagnose, treat, prevent or offer any therapeutic cure to any disease or illness; they are complementary-to-medicine and never a replacement of or alternative to conventional medicine. If you have any question or concern about the cause, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of any disease or illness, you should consult a registered medical practitioner.

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